Administrators can go to Warden -> Settings -> Content Filter Settings -> Policy...
How can I add a custom SpamAssasin rule in Warden?To Add a Custom Rule Navigate to Warden -> Rules -> Click on Add to add a custom rule....
How can I add custom DNSBLs for use in Warden Anti-spam and Virus Protection?Enabling DNSBLs at the mail server level (recommended) Most people will want to enable DNSBLs at...
How can I add stronger Postfix restrictions so that the bulk of spam is rejected at the SMTPD level before it gets processed by Amavis?Warden allows you to set stronger Postfix restrictions so that the bulk of spam is rejected at...
How can I change the interface language of the extension?You can change the interface language under Settings -> Application Settings -> Locale...
How can I change the reject message when a message is rejected from the spam kill level?When a message is rejected by the spam kill level Amavis will normally respond with the reply...
How can I configure Warden Anti-spam and Virus Protection from the command line to make changes across multiple servers or when using automated deployment tools like Ansible?Warden 4.01 comes with a new command line interface (CLI) that you can use to configure it during...
How can I configure Warden to not forward mail classified as spam in order to protect the mail servers reputation?Important: A bug exists in the Postfix RPM packages provided by Plesk...
How can I configure greylisting with Warden Anti-spam and Virus protection?About Greylisting Important: Greylisting is recommended for advanced users only. Make sure to...
How can I configure the anti-spam learning in Warden to use Redis for storing bayes data ?For high volume servers we recommend switching from the default MySQL storage back end to the the...
How can I control how much memory Amavis uses?How much memory Amavis uses is directly tied to the Max servers option under Warden ->...
How can I create rules to score mail from certain organizations higher or lower using their ASN in Warden?Administrators can create rules to score mail from specific organizations higher or lower using...
How can I disable Amavis bad header tests?Bad Header Destiny The default setting under Warden -> Settings -> Content Filter->...
How can I disable ClamAV heuristics?To Disable ClamAV Heuristics Go to Warden -> Settings -> Anti-virus Settings ->...
How can I disable admin email notifications in Amavis?Amavis has different default options for controlling where virus, spam, banned file attachments,...
How can I disable or remove ClamAV and keep using Warden without anti-virus scanning?To Disable Anti-virus Scanning in Amavis Go to Warden -> Settings -> Content Filter...
How can I disable the ***UNCHECKED*** tag that Amavis applies to a message when an email is not able to be scanned?Amavis will tag the subject line of any email that it can't scan with the tag UNCHECKED. ClamAV...
How can I disable the real-time learning in Warden?Option To disable the Real-time Learning To disable the Real-time learning go to Warden ->...
How can I disable the spam or virus filters for outgoing mail but leave them enabled for incoming mail?To Disable Filtering for Outgoing Mail Only Navigate to Warden -> Settings -> Policy...
How can I enable AbuseIPDB support?AbuseIPDB is the gold standard for abuse reporting and is used by some of the largest hosting...
How can I enable rar support in Amavis to fix the error: No ext program for .rar, tried: unrar, rar in the maillog?Install the Rar/Unrar Binaries Note: These binaries are for x86 only. ARM is not supported....
How can I enable the Rule2XSBody plugin to speed up anti-spam rules by compiling them into native code?Install the required packages Install the required packages and compile our rules into native...
How can I enable the X-PHP-Originating-Script header to track what PHP scripts are sending out from the server using the PHP mail function?In order for PHP to log what scripts are sending out from the server you must first set...
How can I enable the policy spam kill level in order to reject mail over a certain score?How To Reject Spam Over a Certain Score Warden has the ability to reject mail over a certain...
How can I enable third party anti-virus signatures within Warden to improve the ClamAV detection rate?Warden supports enabling third party anti-virus signatures to improve the detection rate. These...
How can I flag certain top level domains that always send spam?You can easily add a rule in Warden which allows you to score specific top level domains that...
How can I get detailed help about a specific setting?How To Get Detailed Help Hover your mouse over the form label for that item. A popup will...
How can I install third party rulesets for Amavis to improve the spam detection rate?Users can enable the KAM ruleset to provide a significant boost to the performance and efficacy...
How can I manage access to the Warden extension for resellers, customers, and mail users?Administrators can manage access to the Warden extension for different user groups under Warden...
How can I manage what attachments are banned using Warden?Banned Rules In Amavis banned rules are controlled by the $banned_filename_re option in the...
How can I manually train Warden with a set of spam or ham messages using the sa-learn command?Training from a Directory of Messages Bayes learning will normally not be enabled until at least...
How can I migrate my old SpamAssassin settings into Warden?Administrators can go to Warden -> Settings -> Policy Migrator to import their old...
How can I monitor ClamAV daemon memory and CPU usage from the command line?Administrators can use the clamdtop command to monitor ClamAV daemon memory and CPU usage...
How can I optimize MySQL/MariaDB using the Plesk Performance Booster tool?Administrators can optimize MariaDB using the Performance Booster found under Tools and Settings...
How can I optimize the performance of Amavis for processing large volumes of email?Optimize the Number of Amavis Processes How fast Amavis can process email is directly tied to...
How can I override the score for a specific rule in Warden?To Override a Rule Score Navigate to Warden -> Rules -> Click on Add then select the...
How can I perform Bayes training from the Warden command line interface?Command Line Interface Training Administrators can perform Bayes training from the Warden...
How can I quarantine unchecked mail that cannot be scanned by the anti-virus scanner for even better security?Warden 4.0 supports quarantining uncheck email. Unchecked mail is when the anti-virus cannot scan...
How can I reject mail from a specific network (CIDR) using Warden?To Reject Mail From a Specific Network Note: If you want to score mail higher from a specific...
How can I remove a reported IP address from AbuseIPDB?From the Extension Interface Admins can remove a reported IP address by clicking on the IP...
How can I report a virus or malware that was not detected by ClamAV?If you have a virus or malware that is not detected by ClamAV, please fill out:...
How can I reset and delete all Bayes learning or TxRep reputation data stored in Warden?Sometimes if your Bayes learning or TxRep Reputation data has been incorrectly trained and is...
How can I restrict the "From:" field for emails to prevent outbound mail spoofing?Note: This article is recommended for experienced administrators only. To prevent authenticated...
How can I score mail relayed though certain countries higher or lower in Warden?Administrators can score mail relayed though certain countries higher or lower using the...
How can I setup a local caching DNS resolver to speed up DNS queries used by Amavis?Run the following command to check if local DNS caching is enabled: host -tTXT...
How can I sign up for a free MaxMind license key?To get your free Maxmind license key Signup for the free license key here:...
How can I speed up how fast Amavis processes email?How fast Amavis can process email is directly tied to the Max servers option under Warden ->...
How can I temporarily whitelist a server rejected by the DNS blackhole lists using Warden?Server Rejected by DNSBL Under the Warden -> Reject log you see an entry being rejected by...
How can I test that the Anti-spam and Anti-virus is working?How to test SpamAssassin To test the spam filter, it is necessary to send a Gtube test spam...
How can I treat mail with a specific subject line as spam using Warden?Using the WhitelistSubject/WelcomeListSubject Plugin The simplest way to treat a specific...
How can I upgrade to SpamAssassin 4.0?SpamAssassin 4.0 rpms are now included in the danami-warden repository as of May 1, 2023....
How can I use Warden to monitor outgoing mail so that my server does not get listed on any DNSBLs?Best Practices To Secure Your Mail Server Make sure that you have Plesk outgoing limits...
How can I use Warden to track which email accounts are authenticating and sending mail or are being targeted by brute force attacks?Warden has a comprehensive set of reports to track SMTP auth logins and POP3/IMAP logins. Admins...
How can I use the Shortcircuit plugin to reduce CPU load?Important: The Shortcircuit plugin is recommended for advanced administrators only. The...
How can I view what SpamAssassin rules were matched by a message?You can see a breakdown of any matched rules under the Tests: line when clicking on the plus icon...
How can I whitelist or blacklist a mail server from greylisting?To Whitelist a Mail Server From Greylisting Navigate to Warden -> Settings ->...
How can I whitelist outgoing scanning for certain senders?To whitelist a sender from Spam Scanning Navigate to Warden -> Settings -> Policy Banks...
How do hierarchical content filter policies work in Warden?Content filter policies can be set at the server level, domain level, and mailbox level. Policies...
How does the real-time spam training in Warden Anti-spam and Virus Protection work?When a user marks a message as spam in their email client (or though webmail) Warden will use a...
What are Amavis policy banks and how are they used in Warden?Policy Banks Policy banks are sets of Amavis configurations that are applied to specific email...
What changes does Warden make to the postfix configuration files to enable Amavis?Important Warden will configure postfix differently depending if you selected to install the...
What network ports are used by Warden and need to be opened on the firewall?All of the network based tests (Razor, Pyzor, DCC) that Warden uses must be opened on the...
What tasks do I have to complete for Warden after upgrading a server from Centos 7 to AlmaLinux/CloudLinux 8 using the centos2alma conversion tool?After upgrading from Centos 7 to AlmaLinux/CoundLinux 8 you should run the commands below to get...
Where are the configuration files for Warden located?Centos/RHEL/CloudLinux/AlmaLinux Configuration files: // amavis (Content Filter Settings)...