Amavis has different default options for controlling where virus, spam, banned file attachments, or bad header notifications get sent to. The defaults look like:
# $newvirus_admin = undef;
# $virus_admin = undef;
# $spam_admin = undef;
# $banned_admin = undef;
# $bad_header_admin = undef;
Debian/Ubuntu sets virus notifications in /etc/amavis/conf.d/20-debian_defaults:
$virus_admin = "postmaster\@$mydomain"; # due to D_DISCARD default
To disable virus notifications on Centos/RHEL/CloudLinux/AlmaLinux edit the file /etc/amavisd/warden.conf or on Debian/Ubuntu edit the file /etc/amavis/conf.d/99-warden and add the line (before the last line 1;):
$virus_admin = undef;
After making the changes restart Amavis:
// Centos/RHEL/CloudLinux/AlmaLinux
systemctl restart amavisd
// Debian/Ubuntu
systemctl restart amavis