مشاهده مقالات برچسب زده شده 'clamav'
How can I fix the cron ClamAV error: WARNING: Ignoring deprecated option SafeBrowsing?
As of ClamAV 0.103.2 the SafeBrowsing config option was deprecated. See here for more...
ClamAV will not start. How can I fix the ClamAV error: daily.{c[vl]d,inc} was not met?ClamAV refuses to start and when viewing the status you see...
How can I check the status of ClamAV and fix any problems?Check the Status of the ClamAV Daemon You can check the ClamAV daemon status under the...
How can I disable or remove ClamAV and keep using Warden without anti-virus scanning?To Disable Anti-virus Scanning in Amavis Go to Warden -> Settings -> Content Filter...
How can I monitor ClamAV daemon memory and CPU usage from the command line?Administrators can use the clamdtop command to monitor ClamAV daemon memory and CPU usage...
How good is the virus detection rate compared to other AV scanners?We have found that the default detection rate can be very good especially when combined with the...