Install the required packages
Install the required packages and compile our rules into native code:
// AlmaLinux/RHEL/CloudLinux/RockyLinux/Centos
yum install gcc re2c make perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
// Debian / Ubuntu
apt-get install gcc re2c make
// run sa-compile to compile the rules into native code
// AlmaLinux/RHEL/CloudLinux/RockyLinux/Centos users with SeLinux enabled must re-apply SELinux labels
restorecon -R -v "/var/lib/spamassassin/compiled/"
Enable the Rule2XSBody plugin in Warden
Navigate to Warden -> Settings -> Plugin Settings and check the Rule2XSBody plugin and press the update button to save the page. After the plugin is enabled Warden will run a nightly task runing the sa-update and sa-compile commands.