How can I setup a local caching DNS resolver to speed up DNS queries used by Amavis?

Run the following command to check if local DNS caching is enabled:

host -tTXT

If caching is NOT enabled the response is: descriptive text " -> Query Refused. See for more information [Your DNS IP:]"

To install and use BIND as the local resolver

Install the BIND DNS server component if it's not yet installed:

plesk installer add --components bind

Run named-checkconf to check for syntax error in the configuration files:


Start the BIND DNS service:

// Centos/RHEL/CloudLinux/AlmaLinux
systemctl restart named-chroot

// Debian/Ubuntu
systemctl restart bind9 

Edit the file /etc/resolv.conf adding the the new local nameserver as your first entry. (Note: On Centos/RHEL/Cloudlinux if you are using the networkManager service then if your `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*` reference any DNS entries then the /etc/resolv.conf file will get overwritten on reboot. You should use the nmcli utility instead to set the DNS or remove the DNS entries from your `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*`scripts) :


Wait a few minutes since your first check and then run the check again:

host -tTXT

If everything is working the response should be: descriptive text "permanent testpoint"
  • dns, optimize, performance, cache
  • 2 Utilisateurs l'ont trouvée utile
Cette réponse était-elle pertinente?

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