
  How can I fix the error: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server?

When looking at the server mail log you see this: Apr 4 11:01:15 alma amavis[3540852]:...

  How can I fix the error: The domain limit of this license key has been reached?

The admin and pro versions of our products are limited to the number of domains you can have in...

 ClamAV will not start. How can I fix the ClamAV error: daily.{c[vl]d,inc} was not met?

ClamAV refuses to start and when viewing the status you see...

 How can I check the status of ClamAV and fix any problems?

Check the Status of the ClamAV Daemon You can check the ClamAV daemon status under the...

 How can I fix any statistics generation problems?

Missing the Warden Crontab Entry There is a crontab entry that will update Warden statistics...

 How can I fix empty mail log information in Warden?

Warden uses the systemd-journal to lookup mail log information. If your logs are empty you might...

 How can I fix incorrect date and times displayed in the extension?

Server Time Our extensions require that the date, time, and timezone be set correctly on the...

 How can I fix mail being flagged as spam but not moved to the users spam folder?

Mail is not being moved to the users spam folder even though the policy is set to move to spam...

 How can I fix the error: "milter-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE from..." in the log and found the AV in error (cannot read /etc/clam.d/scan.conf).

Cloudlinux / Imunify360 added their own version of ClamAV to their repo which accidentally...

 How can I fix the error: Can't connect to TCP port 10024 on [Address already in use] when trying to start Amavis?

When trying to start Amavis you see this in the mail log: Oct 02 03:20:15 condor3648 systemd[1]:...

 How can I fix the error: Can't connect to TCP port 10024 on ::1 [Cannot assign requested address] when trying to start Amavis?

When trying to start Amavis you see this in the mail log: Oct 02 03:20:15 condor3648 systemd[1]:...

 How can I fix the error: Client host [XXX] blocked using zen.spamhaus.org; Error: open resolver;

SpamHaus RBL is blocking all email if your server is using an open resolver. For example, public...

 How can I fix the error: Error [Contentfilter_Settings_Contentfilter]. Message [[QUARANTINEDIR] must be a valid directory?

This error means that Amavis was not installed correctly. Try running the Warden from the command...

 How can I fix the error: Kohana_Exception [ 0 ]: Directory APPPATH/cache must be writable?

This error means that the permissions on the Plesk extension are not set properly. Running the...

 How can I fix the error: Mysql Server has gone away?

When looking at the mail log of the server you see this log entry from Amavis: Aug 3 01:00:20...

 How can I fix the error: Required perl module is not installed [GEOIP2::Database::Reader] on the plugin settings page?

The RelayCountry and URILocalBL anti-spam plugins require that the GeoIP2::Database::Reader perl...

 How can I fix the error: The [imunify360] repository is installed but do not have an [exclude] line that excludes conflicting packages?

Warden requires that you use the ClamAV packages from the EPEL repository. In order to prevent...

 How can I fix the error: The licensing server was invalid or could not be reached ?

Restart Plesk Panel Interface 1. Many times this error can be fixed by just restarting the Plesk...

 How can I fix the error: This paid extension is not licensed. Some or all functions and features of the extension may not be available. Purchase a license to unlock all functions and features of this extension?

When viewing our extensions in the Plesk extension directory you see the following warning: This...

 How can I fix the error: Uninstall conflicting package [clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh] when trying to enable third party anti-virus signature providers?

When enabling third party anti-virus signature providers you must not have any other signature...

 How can I fix the error: Unit is masked. when trying to start SpamAssassin?

You should not try to start the SpamAssassin service. Warden disables (masks) the SpamAssassin...

 How can I fix the error: Your OS is end of life but your yum repositories have not been updated?

On July 1, 2024, CentOS 7 reached end of life, and the CentOS team has moved its repositories to...

 How can I fix the error: [Anti-virus Signature - freshclam] service could not be started?

On Centos/AlmaLinux/RHEL 8 the Anti-virus signature service (freshclam) fails to start after...

 How can I fix the error: host[] said: 552 5.3.4 Declared message size (1208029 B) exceeds size limit for recipient?

You can set the message size limit for Amavis under Settings -> Policy Settings -> Misc...

 How can I fix the error: milter-reject: DATA 451 4.7.1 Service unavailable - try again later?

Reject log In the Warden reject log you see the message: Service unavailable - try again later....

 How can I fix the error: no working DCC servers dcc1.dcc-servers.net dcc2.dcc-servers.net dcc3.dcc-servers.net at

You see the following error in the mail log or when viewing the status of the dccifd service:...

 How can I fix the error: unable to connect to DSN 'DBI:MariaDB:database=danami_warden;host=localhost'?

You see errors like this in the mail log: Jan 1 03:30:45 busy-gates amavis[18902]: (18902-01)...

 How can I remove the amavisd-milter from the Postfix config for debugging purposes without having to uninstall Warden?

To disable the amavisd-milter go to Warden -> Settings -> Content Filter Settings ->...

 How can I repair my Warden Anti-spam and Virus Protection installation?

If your Warden installation is having problems it is recommended to go though the application...

 I received an email from Maxmind that they will drop support for unsecure database downloads. How are your products affected?

MaxMind sent out the following email below: To ensure that you can continue to download GeoIP...

 The SpamAssassin service is always stopped when the Warden Anti-spam and Virus Protection extension is installed.

The SpamAssassin service is always stopped when the Warden Anti-spam and Virus Protection...

 There are a lot of sa-learn processes active slowing down the server until it becomes unresponsive. How can I fix this?

When using top you see sa-learn processes causing high load on the server. This is usually caused...

 What happened to messages that are logged by Warden but are missing from the users mailbox?

If a message gets logged in the Warden message log but it does not show up in the users mailbox...

 When logging into webmail you are unable to read email. How can I fix the error: Out of memory (service imap { vsz_limit=512 MB }, you may need to increase it in the maillog?

When logging into webmail you are unable to read mail: IMAP error reported by server INTERNAL...

 Why are /var/log/messages, /var/log/maillog and /var/log/secure empty?

Make sure that you have the rsyslog package installed and that it is enabled otherwise your log...

 Why isn't autolearning working for me (autolearn=no) ?

Lots of people seem to be confused by the "autolearn=no" statement in the default X-Spam-Status...