We are pleased to announce the release of Juggernaut-1.35 under General Availability. Make sure to update to CSF 9.22 before you upgrade. A special thanks goes out to Dennis Klemmer for helping correct the German translations.POP3/IMAP Auditing Now that Juggernaut tracks successful SSH, FTP, and and Panel logins it was time to focus on mail ... Llegir més »
We are pleased to announce the release of Juggernaut-1.33 under General Availability. Make sure to update to CSF 9.13 before you upgrade.Process Tracking You can now view all process information from the server as it happens. Get detailed information about each processes CPU and memory usage. We've even added actions so you can hang up, ... Llegir més »
We are pleased to announce the release of Juggernaut-1.31 under General Availability. This release brings full support for Plesk 17 (Onyx).Changelog- Added "ext.plesk.com" to the Allow DynDNS default so you can still install extensions even when blocking Russia on the firewall.- Made improvements to the network information lookup tool.- Fixed ... Llegir més »
Power Tools Professional 1.11 is released. This release brings full support for Plesk 17 (Onyx).Changelog- Added support for unlimited and default settings for the Outgoing messages limit option.- Fixed various Plesk 17 Onyx issues.- Fixed Fixed email address creator not setting Manage spamfilter and Manage virusfilter properly.Full ... Llegir més »