Warden Antispam and Virus Protection 1.0 Released

With the Warden Antispam and Virus protection, you get the best of both worlds. Open source standards for mail scanning from Spamassassin and ClamAV combined with deep integration with the Plesk control panel. With support for over 15 Spamassassin plugins, database logging, custom rule builder, multi-mailbox management, rich reporting, and ... Lees verder »

6e Mar 2017
Juggernaut Security and Firewall 1.39 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Juggernaut-1.39 under General Availability. Make sure to update to CSF 10.2 before you upgrade.Messenger HTTPS SupportJuggernuat now supports redirecting blocked IP addresses that connect over an HTTPS connection (port 443, 8443) to the HTML MESSENGER service. The option uses existing SSL certificates on ... Lees verder »

2e Mar 2017
Juggernaut Security and Firewall 1.38 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Juggernaut-1.38 under General Availability. Make sure to update to CSF 9.29 before you upgrade.Grid Search TemplatesWe've added pre-built search templates to each grid to make advanced searching quick and easy. Search for specific login triggers on the Deny Permanently grid or 403 forbidden codes on the ... Lees verder »

23e Jan 2017
20% discount on all products for the holidays!

20% discount on all products for the holidays! Use coupon code HOLIDAY20

7e Dec 2016