We are pleased to announce the release of Juggernaut-1.39 under General Availability. Make sure to update to CSF 10.2 before you upgrade.
Messenger HTTPS Support
Juggernuat now supports redirecting blocked IP addresses that connect over an HTTPS connection (port 443, 8443) to the HTML MESSENGER service. The option uses existing SSL certificates on the server for each domain to maintain a secure SSL SNI connection without browser warnings.

Google ReCAPTCHA Unblock Support
Messenger HTTPS Support
Juggernuat now supports redirecting blocked IP addresses that connect over an HTTPS connection (port 443, 8443) to the HTML MESSENGER service. The option uses existing SSL certificates on the server for each domain to maintain a secure SSL SNI connection without browser warnings.

Google ReCAPTCHA Unblock Support
Juggernaut now supports Google ReCAPTCHA (v2) to allow those blocked in the firewall to unblock themselves.

To upgrade

To upgrade
The upgrade is available to all active license holders. You can upgrade Juggernaut though the Plesk interface by clicking on Juggernaut Firewall -> Settings -> Panel Application -> Application Update
Full changelog
Perşembe, Mart 2, 2017