We are pleased to announce the release of Juggernaut-1.30 under General Availability. Make sure to update to CSF 9.11 before you upgrade. We have also updated the licensing restrictions so subdomains no longer count towards domain licensing limits.

Process Information Lookup
Now you can lookup detailed process information on the Port tracking page. Lookup CPU usage, memory usage, open files and the ports a process has open.

Process Information Lookup

Multi Action Context Menus
We have added new context menus for grids so you can run the network information lookup tool, copy the IP address to your clipboard, or search different places in the application with just a few clicks.

Multi Action Context Menus

Health Dashboard Widget
You can now click on the services widget to lookup the health status of each running service. Clicking on the firewall status will now so you the number of active iptables rules.

Health Dashboard Widget

Offset support for log files
We now support stepping into log files at different locations so that you can search and page through log files regardless of size.

Offset support

To upgrade
The upgrade is available to all active license holders. You can upgrade Juggernaut though the Plesk interface by clicking on Juggernaut Firewall -> Settings -> Panel Application -> Application Update

Full changelog

Lördag, Augusti 6, 2016
