我們的系統管理員將主動保護和管理您的伺服器,只需一小部分時間和精力來嘗試並自行管理伺服器。你可以花時間做你擅長的事情 —— 創建網站、啟動新專案和經營業務。

我們的團隊將遠端處理您的所有伺服器技術問題,涉及配置、伺服器優化和安全 - 所有問題都捆綁在一起,全天候伺服器監控。

Server Management


USD 每月

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  • 停機時間回應
  • 軟體更新
  • 建構管理
  • 24/7/365 支援
  • 隨時取消


Designed for Plesk


我們的系統管理員與Plesk Panel合作超過15年。面板更新在穩定且由管理員全面測試時應用。

Server Optimization


我們的系統管理員將調整伺服器上運行的服務。優化包括內核、Apache、Nginx 和 MySQL 服務。不需要的服務將被禁用,在需要的地方分配資源。

Software Updates


獲取伺服器作業系統和 Plesk 面板的託管軟體更新。更新的設定檔被合併,因此更改永遠不會丟失,同時保持最新。

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External Monitoring


外部執行時間監視為伺服器設置,並每隔 5 分鐘定期輪詢一次。任何停機發生時,管理員和客戶都會收到通知,以便管理員可以採取適當的操作。

Server Security Audit


伺服器經過審核、保護,然後定期掃描惡意軟體。安全更新將在關鍵升級版本的 24 小時內應用。

In order to give support ssh access to your server please download and run the Danami public SSH key install script:

To install our public key using our install script (run these commands as root): rm -vf danami_public_key.sh wget https://www.danami.com/clients/downloads/danami_public_key.sh chmod +x danami_public_key.sh ./danami_public_key.sh Our public key can also be downloaded and installed manually: rm -f support@danami.com.pub wget https://www.danami.com/clients/downloads/support@danami.com.pub cat support@danami.com.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys No SSH Access
If you cannot provide SSH access many times we can still provide support if you install the SSH Terminal extension in the Plesk extension directory. Important
1. Make sure to allow our IP addresses ( access to the Plesk interface and to the SSH port if you are behind a firewall.
2. The support technician will also need to know your servers public IP address and SSH port number.

Pro-rata billing refers to being charged or receiving part or proportion of a fee or benefit on your bill. When you sign up for a product that uses Pro-rata billing you will be assigned to one of our standard billing cycles. When you receive your first invoice you'll see that it will be calculated based on the number of days between your sign-up date and the date of this billing cycle (inclusive). This is commonly known as a pro-rata amount. Future invoices will show the full standard monthly amount, unless you make further changes to your account.

Prorated items are usually billed on the first of the month. If your purchase falls before the 21st day then your first bill will be calculated for the remainder of the month. If your purchase is on the 21st or after then your first bill will be calculated for the remainder of the month and the next additional month.

Any changes in the server configuration require root access level. A support tech public SSH key can be downloaded and installed from the downloads area here:  https://www.danami.com/clients/knowledgebase/18/How-to-I-install-the-Danami-public-SSH-key-and-give-a-support-technician-access-to-my-server.html



CentOS 8.x, CentOS 7.x, CentOS 6.x, Cloudlinux 7.x, CloudLinux 6.x, RedHat Enterprise Linux 8.x, RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.x, RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.x


Plesk 18.x, Plesk 17.x