We are pleased to announce the release of Juggernaut-1.41 under General Availability. Make sure to update to CSF 10.06 before you upgrade.

- Added a WHMCS custom login failure trigger.
- Added a Joomla custom login failure trigger. The Joomla fail2ban extension must be installed on their domain for it to work properly: https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/fail2ban/
- Updated default mail log location to /var/log/maillog on Debian / Ubuntu installations
- No longer try to guess ETH_DEVICE for openvz kernels.
- Fixed Google Chrome blocking saving the re-captcha template because it includes embedded Javascript.

To upgrade

The upgrade is available to all active license holders. You can upgrade Juggernaut though the Plesk interface by clicking on Juggernaut Firewall -> Settings -> Panel Application -> Application Update

Full changelog

יום שבת, אפריל 22, 2017

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